2011年ミニアルバム「Odd。1」と、映像監督にいしかわともこ、レコーディング内田直之をむかえたDVD「Odd。2」をリリース。同年12月には構成演出、生西康典、ゲストに戌井昭人、タカダアキコ、core of bells、島田桃子、稲継美保等をむかえたライブ「Odd。の歳末大暴走」を開催。
Members: MUKOJIMA Yuriko(vn/pf/vo/etc), KUGE Yoshio(perc/vo/etc), IMAI Jiro(b/vo/etc).
They were members of the legend music band PUNGO which gave great influences on Tokyo's alternative music scene in 1980s. After 30years, they formed the Odd。(in 2010). They play odd original music and contemporary music.
Now, Their activities are paused.
About Us
support member
e.violin , piano, percussion, guitar, vocal
ヴァイオリン、ビオラ、アコーディオン、作曲、編曲、たまに歌。 10代より活動をはじめる。工藤冬里らとの「マシンガンタンゴ」や、久下恵生、篠田昌巳、今井次郎らとの「PUNGO」、梅津和時、巻上公一らとの 「ベツニナンモクレズマー」など様々なバンドに関わる。96年にはオリジナル曲を集めた「right here !!」を発表。FM東京で特集番組が組まれたり、テレビ番組に楽曲が使われるなど各方面から注目される。
1997年 串田和美演出「春の目覚め」で、音楽監督をつとめる。
2000年 スウェーデンの鬼才故ラーシュホルメルとのDUOアルバムを発表。
2002年 ラーシュホルメルらとのスウェーデンツアーにてコンサート、テレビ番組に出演。
2004年 オランダの「「ウェレム・ブロイカー・コレクティフ」」来日に際し、日本人唯一のゲストメンバーとして参加。
2007年 おおたか静流とのフランス公演。
2012年 国際交流基金主催による東ティモール日本国交10周年記念イベントのため東ティモール各地で演奏。
2013年 ロンドングローブ座、ロシアゴーリキーセンター等で劇団地点公演「コリオレイナス」に出演、演奏。
2015年 ICPやセシルテーラーグループで知られるトリスタンホンジンガーらとのヨーロッパツアー、グローニンゲンサマーフェスティバル等で演奏。
アコーディオンカルテットの「BOEVES」「白崎映美&東北6県ろ〜るショー‼︎」トリスタンホンジンガーの「JUST OFF」、長見順率いる「パンチのきいたオウケストラ」「とんぷくユニット」などのメンバー。
オフィシャルサイト http://mukoujimayuriko.wixsite.com/info
スケジュールブログ http://www.bloc.jp/myuriko/
e.violin , piano, percussion, guitar, vocal
She plays violin and viola, accordion. She also composes music and writes the arrangement and, sometimes, sings a song. She has played since teenage and worked together with various music bands such as Machinegun Tango(KUDO Tori), and PUNGO (KUGE Yoshio and SHINODA Masami, IMAI Jiro), BETSUNI NANMO KLEZMER(UMEZU Kazutoki and MAKIGAMI Koichi).
She released music CD "Right here!!" including her original songs in 1996 and featured from various medias: TOKYO FM broadcasted a special program and her songs were used in TV programs etc,.
In 1997, she worked as a music director in Spring Awakening (produced by KUSHIDA Kazuyoshi) .
In 2000, she was collaborated with the now-dead genious accordionist, Lars Hollmer (Sweden) and released the DUO Album.
In 2002, the Lars Hollmer and she performed the music live in Sweden and appeared on a TV show.
In 2004, Willem Breuker Kollektief came to Japan from Netherlands and she joined their music live as the only Japanese player.
In 2007, she performed in France with OTAKA Sizuru.
In 2012, she visited East Timor for“10th anniversary event of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and East Timor” which sponsored by the Japan Foundation, and performed in the various parts of the country.
In 2013, she played theatre music for “Coriolanus” which Japanese theater company CHITEN performed at the London Globe Theater and Russia Gorky Center etc.
In 2015, she went to Europe music tours with Tristan Honsinger who is well known as a member of Instant Composers Pool (ICP) and Cecil Taylor's groups.
Her music activities cover the wide range of the varieties such as support music and studio music, session music and she is also collaborating with a theatrical dance and a dramatic reading etc.. She is currently performing as a member of following music groups: accordion quartet's "BOEVES", "SHIRASAKI Emi & Tohoku 6 prefecture roll show !!", "JUST OFF" which Tristan Honsinger is belonging to, "ORCHESTRA ON A PUNCH" led by Nagami Jun, "Tompuku Unit" etc..
Official site http://mukoujimayuriko.wixsite.com/info
Live schedule blog http://www.bloc.jp/myuriko/
drums, voice
ドラムス、Eパッド。大阪・南河内生まれ。地元の「だんじり祭り」の影響が今日のドラム演奏の原型となる。79’頃より吉祥寺「マイナー」で工藤冬里(マヘル)、石渡明廣(渋谷オーケストラ)らとセッションを重ねる。80’PUNGO,FILMSに参加。83’渡米し、ストリート、教会などで演奏する。帰国後、マヘル・シャラル・ハシュ・バズ、篠田正己ユニット、ストラーダ、パラダイスガラージ(豊田道倫)他、セッションしたミュージシャンとしてウィリアムブレイカー、ECD、インキャパシタンズ、梅津和時、原田依幸、裸のラリーズ、三上寛、高田渡、清水一登など。2001’Bumblebee?Recordsより、向島ゆり子プロデュース、内田直之の録音&ミックスにより初のソロ・アルバム「KUGE」をリリース。様々な音楽ファンの度肝を抜く。近年はFLYING RHYTHMSとしてラティール・シー、内田直之と共に活躍している。
KUGE Yishio
drums, voice
Drams, E-PAD. He was born in South Kawachi, Osaka. His play style of the drum is originated in Danjiri Matsuri (which is traditional autumn festival in his home town). He has played with KUDO Tori (Maher), and ISHIWATA Akishiro (Shibuya Orchestra) in Kichijoji Minor since 1979.
He performed in PUNGO and FILMS in 1980s, and went to United State and played in the street and churches in 1983. After coming back to Japan, he worked together with Maher Shalal Hash Baz, SHINODA Masami, STRIDER, Paradise Garage(TOYODA Michinori) and did a music session with William Blaker, ECD, Incapacitants, UMEZU Kazutoki, HARADA Yoriyuki, Les Rallizes Denudes, MIKAMI Kan, TAKADA Wataru, SHIMIZU Kazuto etc,.
He released the first solo album KUGE produced by MUKOJIMA Yuriko and mixed by UCHIDA Naomi from Bumblebee Records in 2001. It was a sensational music album for the other musicians and music listeners. He is recently working as FLYING RHYTHMS with LATYR SY and UCHIDA Naoyuki
bass, percussion, vocal
1952年 東京生まれ。70年代後半~80年代初頭、伝説のパンク・タンゴ・バンドPUNGOなどの活動で、東京のオルタナティヴ・ミュージック・シーンの一翼を担う。1984年、時々自動の旗揚げに参加。オリジナル・メンバーとして初期楽曲のほとんどを作曲する。時々自動での活動はその類い稀な存在感でパフォーマとしても活躍、他カンパニーへの演劇出演も多数。
2006年、JIROX DOLLS SHOW Vol.1をUPLINK FACTORYで上演。自作オブジェと音楽によるソロパフォーマンスで、場所と形を変えながら独自の世界を展開。JIROXはユニークな造形作家としても高い評価をうけ、ギャラリーでのエキシビジョンやイベントでの美術パフォーマンスなども行う。
JIROXブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jiroxo1/
IMAI Jiro ( =JIROX )
bass, percussion, vocal
He was born in 1952 in Tokyo and played in the legend music band, PUNGO and got involved in Tokyo's alternative music scene. He was an original member of TOKIDOKI-JIDO (theatrical group) which established in 1984 and composed most of music at the initial stage. He played on TOKIDOKI-JIDO's stages as a unique performer, and he acted as an actor in other theater companies.
In 2006, JIROX DOLLS SHOW Vol.1 was played at the UPLINK FACTORY, Shibuya. He developed his own world with the self-made objects and music, and expressed his creations in different place and forms.
He received high reputation as a unique modeling artist and frequently performed in galleries and other events.
In 2012, he has passed away due to malignant lymphoma.
JIROX blog http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jiroxo1/
いしかわともこ / 映像
Odd。には2度目のライブより参加。Odd。の世界観をもとに有機的な映像を製作し、『Odd。2 LIVE DVD DIRECTED BY ISHIKAWA TOMOKO』では監督を務める。
blog http://ishikawatomoko.blogspot.jp
She started to play a piano from a young age and studied Eurythmics in Kunitachi College of Music. After graduation, she worked as an assistant director in the performance company and involved their works in Japan and overseas. She also composed and taught music for other commercial theaters.
In 2015, she moved to one of the islands in Seto inland sea. While enjoying the downshifted life with her family, she is playing the music for the small local communities.
From the 2nd live of the Odd。, she joined this music band and created the live movies which projected during their live. She also directed the 2nd live DVD: "Odd 2 LIVE".
Released October 2011 / ¥1,500(TAX IN)
1. 雨戸
2. セブンブルース
3. windy
4. 平等について
5. Odd。Kechak
6. 東京ベルベット
7. 掃除機
1. sliding shutter
2. 7 blues
3. windy
4. about equality
5. Odd。Kechak
6. Tokyo velvet
7. vacuum cleaner
Odd: MUKOUJIMA Yuriko, KUGE Yoshio and IMAI Jiro
Chestnut Records
Released December 2011 / ¥1,500(TAX IN)
1. leds
2. a room
3. windy
4. for microcosmos
5. Odd。 Kechak
7. A bat in dessert
8. Tokyo velvet
9. 4 seasons
Odd。: MUKOUJIMA Yuriko, KUGE Yoshio and IMAI Jiro
GUEST: ISHIKAWA Tomoko (movie), TAKADA Akiko (dance)
Recorded by UCHIDA Naoyuki
Chestnut Records
- 取扱店 -
東京幡ヶ谷 LOS APSON ? http://www.losapson.net
東京高円寺 円盤 www.enban.org
大阪 ハーモニーフィールズ http://evelini.ocnk.net/
- SHOP -
TOKYO Hatagaya " LOS APSON ? " http://www.losapson.net
TOKYO Koenji " ENBAN " www.enban.org
OSAKA " Harmony Fields " http://evelini.ocnk.net/
27 October 2011
26 December 2011
13 March 2013
20 March 2013
EVENT TITLE: 生西康典構成演出 Odd。の年末大暴走
CAST: Odd。(向島ゆり子、久下恵生、今井次郎)、タカダアキコ、島田桃子、稲継美保、山崎朋、堀菜穂、石田晶子、core of bells、池田野歩、戌井昭人(鉄割アルバトロスケット)
STAFF: 生西康典(構成・演出)、池田野歩(演出助手)、岡本純(美術)、大木秀久(美術)、宇波拓(音響)
Photos by 三上奈都子
EVENT TITLE: IKUNISHI Yasunori presents Runaway Odd。 on year-end
CAST: Odd。(MUKOUJIMA Yuriko, KUGE Yoshio, IMAI Jiro), TAKADA Akiko, SHIMADA Momoko, KNATSUGI Miho, YAMAZAKI Tomo, HORI Naho, ISHIDA Akiko, core of bells, IKEDA Nobu, INUI Akito (Crack Iron Albatorosskett)
STAFF: IKUNISHI Yasunori (Production configuration), IKEDA Nobu (Assistant director), OKANO Jun (Art), OSUGI Hidehisa (Art), UNAMI Taku (Sound Engineer)
Photos by MIKAMI Natsuko
infomation by JIROX http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jiroxo1/20111203/1322871563
LIVE @ Shinjuku "JAM"